Come join us for February’s monthly meeting of the Northern Arizona AI Meet up group and see Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom demonstrate how to produce a wide range of AI generated outputs from a variety of different inputs, using readily available AI tools. 
She will use a simple hands-on game for us to practice and imagine all the possibilities!
Flier image about the event. The flier text is repeated in the blog post.
Meeting Details
Date and Time

Tuesday February 18th, 2025
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM MST

(Room will be open at 11:30am for socializing, or just hanging out with fellow enthusiasts and showing what you’ve been working on.)


Moonshot Accelerator Building
Policy Room
2201 North Gemini Dr.
Flagstaff, AZ 86001



Consider this a “Lunch and Learn). Feel free to bring your lunch

1. Welcome/Introductions & Announcements
2. What’s in store for this year?
3. Demonstration:
AI Can Do A Lot More Than Writing and Coding

In this presentation, Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom will demonstrate how to use a wide variety of inputs (text, code, images, video, audio, and files) to generate all different kinds of outputs with commercially available AI tools. We will use a simple hands-on game to practice and imagine all the possibilities.

4. Close
5. Additional social time
Spread the Word
The Northern Arizona AI Meetup is designed to be a warm and welcoming community organization where anyone with an interest in AI can participate and pursue the following goals: Learn, Share, Build Cool Things, Have Fun. The meeting is free and open to the public.